Frankie The Creative

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50 Things We Think We Learnt in 2023.

  1. Trust your gut.

  2. You can go from high highs, to low lows.

  3. Parenthood is the special of specials.

  4. Everything is manageable and figureoutable.

  5. Strong networks of friends are essential for times of need.

  6. Move away from those who don’t support and appreciate you.

  7. Even if you have plans and procedures in place, things don’t always go the way you like them to. Improvise, adapt, overcome.

  8. Our preference in shoots is BIG events. We don’t follow industry lines.

  9. Our worth.

  10. Improve bit by bit. Your home, your craft, your brand, your practices.

  11. Aim for 1% better every day.

  12. Catch up with your friends more often.

  13. “Make hay while the sun shines” is a different saying and situation to “when it rains, it pours”.

  14. Micro moments are better than no moments.

  15. Communication can always be better.

  16. Treat those how you want to be treated.

  17. Be true with your convictions and ethics. It’ll come out in the wash.

  18. Kathmandu jackets, beanies and fingerless gloves should always be packed and worn during evening winter events. Easier to strip down, than it is to be cold.

  19. Your 30s are where life really starts.

  20. We love random happy tears.

  21. Hokas and Ons are CLASS shoes for being on your feet all day.

  22. Veggie gardening is a cathartic exercise.

  23. Veggie gardening causes stress in the heat when you’re not prepared for a heatwave.

  24. Christmas hits differently when you have children. In a good way.


  26. Know our worth.

  27. Learn from constructive criticism.

  28. Never be complacent. Always be willing to grow.

  29. Slow down your mind.

  30. Be grateful for those mundane chores. Having a full dishwasher means we were fed three meals that day.

  31. Keep active. At least try. I’m still trying.

  32. Know your truth and stick by it.

  33. Barbenheimer brought back the cinema.

  34. Amazon is fantastic for Christmas shopping as new parents.

  35. To turn my phone off during 3 am feeding sessions with Oscar, as Amazon is too good for personal shopping.

  36. Growing your vegetables is incredibly rewarding.

  37. Buying your own home is bloody stressful.

  38. Bathroom renovations are fucking expensive.

  39. Giving birth is the single most empowering thing I’ve ever done.

  40. Your heart does grow when you have a child.

  41. Creating memories for your little one is the most joyful experience in life.

  42. Always work on your relationships.

  43. To change a nappy.

  44. You have more energy than you think you do.

  45. Ludwig’s Oppenheimer soundtrack is the GOAT.

  46. Lawn care is fun.

  47. Communication needs to be direct and honest to be effective.

  48. The older you get, the more fun life becomes.

  49. That we’re bloody good at what we do.

  50. Motherhood + owing your own business is hard.

What did you learn this year?

Love to you all - we hope you have a lovely festive season, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!